When we think of business, we tend to think of sales conversions, points of sale, marketing, inventory, and so on. However, there is a silent ally in business that oftentimes gets unmentioned.
Faith in business can be a taboo topic, especially for corporations. Generally, it is not displayed or mentioned outside of Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby. Faith in business can go beyond religion or spirituality. It's a belief in yourself as well as a higher power. A belief in one’s vision. A belief of success against all odds.
With business being so personal, why do we shy away from publicly professing our faith?
Faith serves as a cornerstone of entrepreneurship. When I started developing my first business, Everyday Divinity, there were so many times I would be confronted with ideas that seemed crazy to me in the worldly view, but I knew they were hailing from the spiritual side.
That's not to say I didn't question it. On the contrary, I questioned a lot of things – yes even when they hail from Him. Just the idea of cutting toenails for a living as a nurse was a crazy thought to many of my colleagues, friends, and family. Especially considering the skill sets I had developed over the years as a charge nurse. I had a good history, great interdisciplinary relationships, and I was proficient in my traditional nursing role.
How could I ever leave that success behind to entertain a potential business concept? A business that was just that – a potential success or even failure. I could not shake the feeling though. I saw the need for senior foot care everywhere I looked. Almost daily, I was reminded of these needs by seniors, family members, news articles, and social media posts. The need and lack thereof for assistance to this demographic became prevalent and would not leave me.
The final jolt from above came in 2010 when I witnessed an elderly woman struggling to get into a pedicure chair. Nothing screams fall risk more than an 80-year-old lady attempting to get up into a pedi chair. I helped her into the chair, as she repeatedly professed (while grabbing my arm for even more attention), “I just want the toenails cut, not all of this fluff.” Did I mention this salon appointment was for my upcoming destination wedding happening days later?
The seed had been planted, only deeper now. I had first-hand experience with a frail aging lady, looking me in the eyes, almost angry at the circumstance, telling me what she needed. How could I ignore that?
Apparently, it was planted so deeply because I could not stop thinking about it. The next day, my husband and I were on the flight to Las Vegas outlining a business plan. As we continued onto the wedding, we were discussing the potentials of this business.
Then we were onto our honeymoon. Aruba, “One Happy Island” they call it. We chose Aruba because it never rains, and I was (still am) an avid sun lover. During our honeymoon, a tropical depression swirled above us for 10 days. Yes, the entire time we were there it rained or was cloudy and windy. The famous sunsets they are known for, I saw peak through during a break in the system.
Was all lost with the money and time spent in Aruba? Absolutely not! We grabbed a rum runner, sat in the hotel and created Everyday Divinity on that trip. A senior foot care business where I would come to care for several thousand patients. I would grow that business to the success of serving seniors in 24 counties.
I would also be able to replace my income by working only 20-hour weeks. No more working weekends or holidays. I determined my schedule and my pay. The best part – I could leave the hospital!
This business would lead to the development of the Foot and Nail Institute where I could serve nurses nationally to duplicate my business model. Moreover, I could serve them in seeing their worth beyond those traditional nursing roles.
By helping nurses launch their own foot care business, I have witnessed the power of self-healing through business ownership. I have been given the opportunity to speak life into nurses at national conferences, showcasing the joys and success of nurse entrepreneurship.
Had I known any of this back in 2010, I would have been way too paralyzed with fear to ever start. I wasn't ready back then. I needed to take those steps one by one. It took years to get here, but I am so grateful that I took that leap of faith back then. Even if it may have been faith the size of a mustard seed.
I say it often … ALL in HIS timing!
This holiday season, take time to get still with yourself and what guides you. Reflect on the year(s) that have passed. Where have you been and where are you going? More importantly, where do you want to go? Is something speaking to you? A new job, a new business, or is it time to retire?
In life, we may face challenges, setbacks, and skepticism. However, it is our faith that can keep us hopeful, resilient, and can be the ally to propel us forward in any endeavor.
Merry Christmas!