
Social Media, Your Friend in Business

April 03, 20233 min read

Ready to adapt social media into your business practice? If the thought of this frightens you as a business owner, you are not alone. 

39% of small businesses do not utilize any social media strategies for their business. As I see it, that is money left on the table. The biggest reason for this is a lack of understanding of social media, or the fear of putting themselves out there. 

Let’s acknowledge the fear that exists. Usually, it’s the judgment of others that paralyzes us. What will they think? What will they say about my content? 

This is all normal!

What are some ways to overcome the apprehensions of social media? Educate yourself. Take the time to learn about social media and how it works. Your access to free information is limitless with the internet. Don't know how to make an Instagram Reel? Go to YouTube and type in what you need help with. 

When TikTok emerged, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. It was the YouTubers who held my hand through a step-by-step process of creating a video with text. Then it progressed to adding music, effects and adding in transitions. You can search any “how to” on any platform basis you are working with. If you are interested in learning more, you can watch an entire 6-hour long presentation on social media. You will be inundated with creators showing you how to create content across the platforms. 

There are many content creators who have online courses that teach different approaches for each platform. Yes, you can cross post the same content across the platforms. However, you may have declining views due to the watermark from one social media platform to another. The algorithms can be against you when you cross post. 

Next, create a plan. Begin with creating business pages on the social media platforms you are familiar with. 

Please, if you take nothing from this article, take this nugget of knowledge; the year is 2023, and your personal social media page does not serve as your business page. 

It’s  unprofessional at this point in the social media game. Please take the time to build up a professional looking business page. The tools are already in place for you to do this. Also, it’s free! 

Content creation can be difficult just in terms of ideas. Ways to create content can be different for everyone. I keep several tabs in my “Notes” section of my phone. That way, I can jot down ideas that may strike me while out. There are content creators who have built out templates and list ideas for you to use. Do your research and find one that fits your style and business branding. 

Jasmine Star, of Social Curator has created an entire library of templates, story templates and masterclasses for you learning of Instagram. 

The other option is to get creative in Canva. Canva has so much to offer. From posts to presentations to marketing items, it is limitless what can be created there. 

Don’t let fear of the unknown deter you from launching that business page. People are programmed to look up businesses on social media sites every day. It’s a place where your customers can come learn about you, your services or products as well as see the story of your business. 

Often the story is what your consumer is buying. Don’t be shy about telling it!

Learn more about nurse business ownership with the help of The Foot and Nail Institute®.

social mediabusinesssocial media marketing
Heather Wilson is a former bedside nurse turned nurse entrepreneur. She is the owner of Everyday Divinity, and the Foot and Nail Institute.

Heather Wilson

Heather Wilson is a former bedside nurse turned nurse entrepreneur. She is the owner of Everyday Divinity, and the Foot and Nail Institute.

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